Российская ассоциация историков Первой мировой войны

Information about the International Conference World War I: The Prologue of the Twentieth Century


The Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of World History

The Moscow State University

The Russian Association of WWI Historians

Information Letter


Dear Colleagues,

            The Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of World History (RAS IWH) in collaboration with the Moscow State University and the Russian Association of WWI Historians is pleased to inform you that the collection of papers for the International Conference World War I: The Prologue of the Twentieth Century, dedicated to the centenary of the Great War’s beginning, has come to an end.

The conference will be held both at the RAS IWH and at Moscow State University on September 8-10, 2014.

            We are happy to announce that more than one hundred scholars from different Russian research institutes and universities along with our foreign colleagues have positively answered to our call for papers.

            During April – May the Organizing Committee is going to compose a draft program of the conference in order to send a personal Letter of Invitation to each participant.

            Best regards,  

Organizing Committee of the Conference

Moscow, March 24, 2014


Автор: E.Ur. Sergeev | Дата добавления: 2014-03-24 | Просмотров: 2049

Издания ассоциации

Первая мировая война, Версальская система и современность

Чичеринские чтения. «Революционный 1917 год»: поиск парадигм общественно-политического развития мира.

От противостояний идеологий к служению идеалам: российское общество в 1914-1945 гг.: Сб. ст. / под ред. М.Ю. Мягкова, К.А. Пахалюка. М., 2016.
